Complaints procedure
of the e-shop and, run by the company Zámek Jemniště Ltd., Jemniště 1, Postupice, 257 01 ID: 27882756, VAT: CZ27882756.
I. General provisions
1. This complaints procedure applies for goods purchased in e-shop and, run by Zámek Jemniště, Jemniště 1, Postupice, 257 01 ID: 27882756, VAT: CZ27882756, which complaint was made within the warranty times. Complaints procedure was prepared in accordance with the Commercial Code, the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Act, as amended (hereinafter " Complaints procedure").
2. The purchaser by (i) his order, (ii) acceptance of the order confirmation, (iii) acceptance of the counterproposal of the suppliers, (iv) confirmation of the supplier's offer, (v) signing the purchase contract (vi) acceptance and payment (even partial) of the invoice for the advance payment (vii) acceptance of supplied goods by the seller or carrier or (viii) acceptance the invoice for the goods - what comes first - confirms that agrees with this complaints procedure.
3. The seller (supplier) means the company Zámek Jemniště, Jemniště 1, Postupice, 257 01 ID: 27882756, VAT: CZ27882756, registered with the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 123930 (hereinafter "Seller").
4. The purchaser (client, customer) means an entity that purchases goods directly from the seller (hereinafter "Purchaser" or "Customer").
5. This complaints procedure applies to goods where is applied the responsibility for the quality of goods during the warranty period.
II. The warranty period
1. The seller is responsible for defects of goods which appear during the warranty period, in conditions specified in this complaints procedure.
2. The minimum warranty period is determined by the expiration date of the goods.
3. The warranty period for the delivered goods starts from the date of accepting the goods by the customer. If the complaint of goods was delt within the statutory warranty period by the exchange for new goods, the warranty is renewed in full, from the time of the note about the exchange of goods marked in the relevant document.
III. The complaint method
1. The seller warrants for quality only under the conditions specified in this complaints procedure, which must be met simultaneously:
a) the purchaser made while accepting goods from the seller or immediately after delivery of the goods by the seller qualified control of the delivered goods. If the purchaser accepted the goods from the seller or did not write a report about the defects of the goods without any delay after accepting the goods from the seller, it is understood that the goods was accepted without defects,
b) the purchaser makes a claim of defects in time and in accordance with the complaints procedure,
c) for the duration of the warranty period (expiration date) to the goods does not intervene (e.g. by modifications or repairs) a person who is not authorized expressly by the seller,
d) the goods will be used by the purchaser only in a usual way and in accordance with its purpose,
e) will be ensured regular maintenance of the goods (drought, outside heat sources, outside sunlight, etc.)
In case of doubts, the purchaser must prove that the goods was used in accordance with the conditions specified in this complaints procedure.
2. If there is appeared on the goods during the warranty period any defect, which is under warranty for the quality, the purchaser is obliged to, without any delay, within five days from the date when the defect was found, deliver to the seller a written notice of the occurrence of defects in the goods, including particular detailed description of the defect, or how the defect is evident, and specify the date when the purchaser discovered defects (hereinafter "written notice"). The written notice will be sent by the purchaser to the address . The purchaser is obliged to simultaneously with a written notice show copies of documents on the basis the goods was given to the purchaser who now enforces the rights from defects.
IV. Claims of defects
1. If, during the warranty period, occur defects in the product, which are under the warranty, the purchaser is entitled to make claims to defects of goods:
a) in case of repairable defects, the purchaser is entitled for removing such defects or a reasonable discount on the price, according to the seller. If it appears that the defects are removable, but the removal of the defects would involve unreasonable costs, the purchaser is entitled to be compensated for such defects according to 4.1 point. b) of this complaints procedure. The assessment, whether in this particular case the defects are removable or not, and the assessment about the adequacy of costs associated with the removal of defects, belongs exclusively to the seller.
b) in case of the irreparable defects of the goods, the purchaser is entitled to receive new defect-free goods as a replacement for the defective goods or a right for a reasonable discount on the price of the goods or to issue a credit note for faulty goods, according to the choice of the seller. For the purposes of issuing a credit note fot the defective goods the purchaser is obliged to show to the seller a copy of the invoice on which basis the goods was purchased.
2. The condition for claims according to paragraph 4.1 of this complaints procedure is the fact that the purchaser announced defects in accordance with the complaints procedure, properly and in a time.
V. Unjustified complaints
1.The warranty does not apply to the following:
a) defects caused by unprofessional or inappropriate treatment or neglect of goods
b) defects caused by mechanical damage of the goods
c) defects of goods, which was modified by the customer,
d) defects of goods, which was damaged by natural elements
2. The seller does not guarantee the compatibility of the product with other goods, unless the compatibility was expressly required by the purchaser in the written order.
3. All costs caused to the seller as a result of unjustified complaint from the purchaser, the purchaser agrees to reimburse in the full amount.
VI. Deadlines for handling complaints
1. The complaint is handled by the seller without any delay, up to 30 days from the date of the proper application of a complaint by the purchaser, i.e. the application of a complaint in accordance with the complaints procedure. The deadline for handling complaints is calculated from the date of complaint acceptance (of the complained goods) by the seller to the date of handling the complaint by the seller.
2. The legitimacy of each complaint and assessment of defect removal is done by a specialist employed by the seller.
3. The place for making a claim of defects by the purchaser is:
Zámek Jemniště, Jemniště 1, Postupice, 257 01, ID: 27882756, VAT: CZ27882756
e-mail: . This e-mail address is protected from spam bots not to see it, permit JavaScript.
VII. Final provisions
1.This complaints procedure comes into effect on 13th March 2013.
2. Changes of complaints procedure reserved.